Wednesday, 26 November 2014

RBA- Rod End Bearings

RBA(R) produces and distributes the high quality rod end bearings. We provide:

1. Standard metric/ imperial dimension rod end bearings
2. Material Available: 
              -Steel on steel rod end bearings, lubrication required
              -Steel on PTFE sliding layer rod end bearing, lubrication free
              -Stainless steel on stainless steel rod end bearings, lubrication required, corrosion free
              -Stainless steel on PTFE, lubrication free, corrosion free
              -Steel on composite plastic (RB-MOS/D) rod end bearings, lubrication free
              - Other custom material available on request

please visit our website at for more information.

Friday, 2 May 2014

RB-MOS/D Fiber composite sliding bearing, self-lubricating

RB-MOS/D is fiber composite sliding bearing with low friction agent filled, self-lubricating and high load capacity.
It has the advantage such as:

           -High load capacity!
           -5x lighter than bronze bearing!
           -Good for shock loading under high load application.

Available grade & color  : please contact us
Available shape               : cylindrical, flange, thrust washer, plates, etc.

Contact us:
PT Raja Bearindo Aditama (RBA)
Inlingua Building 2nd Floor
Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok A3/2 No. 33-35
Jakarta Barat 11610-Indonesia
Tel: +6221 583 550 88
follow us on facebook! and twitter! 

RB-BNZ Solid Bronze Sliding bearing, HighLubrication

RB-BNZ is solid bronze alloy sliding bearings, high lubrication. We provide standard and custom bronze alloy sliding bearings according to your requirement or based on our reccomendation.

Bronze alloys (German Standard):
- CuAl10Ni
- CuZn25Al5
- CuSn5ZnPb
- CuSn7ZnPb
- CuSn10
- CuSn12
- CuSn10P
- CuSn12P
- Etc, other bronze alloys according to your requirement ( Scandinavian, Japanese, British Standards)

Available shape: cylindrical, flange, double flange, split, conical plate, wear plate, liner plate, any shape in accordance to your requirement.

Contact us:
PT Raja Bearindo Aditama (RBA)
Inlingua Building 2nd Floor
Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok A3/2 No. 33-35
Jakarta Barat 11610-Indonesia
Tel: +6221 583 550 88
follow us on facebook! and twitter!

RB-BSL Self-Lubricating Bearings Material

RB-BSL(RBA Brand) is a self-lubricating bronze alloy sliding bearings with solid lubricant insert. It is maintenance-free, self-lubricating and able to take high load under high temperature resistance ( up to 300C). It is made from our RBA Standard bronze alloys or customized based on your requirement. Our available alloys such as:

1. Nickel Alumunium Bronze base
2. Phosphor bronze base
3. Mangan bronze base
4. Red Gun metal bronze base
5. Tin bronze base
6. Etc according to your bronze alloy
7. Higher hardness bronze base  available on request!

Available shape: cylindrical, flange, double flange, split, wear plate, liner plate, etc according to your design.

Available diameter: Up to 1.5meters ID. Larger dimension can be done. Please feel free to contact us.

Contact us:
PT Raja Bearindo Aditama (RBA)
Inlingua Building 2nd Floor
Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok A3/2 No. 33-35
Jakarta Barat 11610-Indonesia
Tel: +6221 583 550 88
follow us on facebook! and twitter!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

RBA(R) menyediakan berbagai macam Sliding bearings, plastic engineering products, wear plates, thrust washers, rolling bearings (ball bearings, roller bearings, needle roller bearings, etc), special stainless steel material. Kami menyediakan berbagai produk bushing/bearing dan komponen mekanikal lainnya dengan fokus kepada:

1. Memberikan nilai tambah kepada pelanggan dengan penyediaan bushing/bearing desain, material dan ide
    inovatif untuk berbagai aplikasi/ desain baru maupun improvement sistem.

2. Bushing bearing bebas perawatan dan ramah lingkungan untuk berbagai aplikasi anda.

3. Kami selalu berfokus kepada pelanggan dengan penyediaan pelayanan, konsultasi dan desain
    bearing/bushing untuk performa yang handal.

RBA(R) telah bekerja sama dengan banyak pengerjaan/proyek baik di Indonesia maupun di asia tenggara.
Silahkan leluasa hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

PT Raja Bearindo Aditama (RBA)
Rajanya sliding bearings!

Gedung Inlingua International
Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok A3/2 No. 33
Jakarta Barat 11610-Indonesia
Tel: +6221 583 550 88
Fax:+6221 583 551 88
BB PIN: 2625711C

Saturday, 18 January 2014

What is Plain Bearings?

Plain Bearings ( or some people called it Bushings) is one type of bearings family. Most of the plain bearings is made of low friction materials and some of them need to be lubricated ( to lower the friction value).  The main function of plain bearings are:
1. To protect the housing and shaft from contacting each other directly and wear off.
2. As a low friction sliding material in between the shaft ( or other counter surface) and housing.
3. To transfer the load from shaft to housing.

Plain bearings are very important parts for almost hinges movement application, rotating equipment and
other sliding/ skidding application. Without plain bearings, the shaft and housing will easily worn off ( even the lubrication/grease is there), the worn off shaft and housing will make bigger clearance and will impact with the operation (not precise movement, noisy sound, etc). Finally it will be very costly on the customer side to repair/change the shaft and the housing. The price to replace a plain bearing is cheaper than replacing the shaft and housing.

RBA(R), provides various plain bearings material and design. We have more than 50 plain bearings materials that is ready to improve your plain bearing performance and suit your needs.We provide the newly design, recommendation and replacement of maintenance-free /self-lubricating plain bearing materials for all applications. Self-lubricating plain bearings have many advantages like:

 1. Maintenance-free properties
     Self-lubricating plain bearings are made of very low friction materials, anti stick material,
      grease/lubrication is not required.

 2. Reduce cost and maintenance time
      With self-lubricating plain bearings material, you do not need any grease (hence reduce the grease cost)
       and eliminate the maintenance time (downtime) and could improve the productivity
  3. Cleaner and Greener Environment 
       For many years, there has been may cases of grease and hazardous material are disposed. Self
        lubricating plain bearings helps the environment become greener to reduce/eliminate the grease disposal         and give the benefit of cleaner equipment.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any needs!
we are very glad to work together with you...

Contact Us:
PT Raja Bearindo Aditama (RBA)
Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok A3/2 N0.33
Jakarta Barat 11610-Indonesia